What I did: Final Project

Domain Expansion

For My final project, I advanced my online presence by fleshing out my main domain. I installed WordPress and actively created a proper website for Fayescorner.com. On my site, I delve into my finalized projects, research, and relevant coursework over previous semesters here at Mary Washington. My website focuses wholly on work I have done for Art History and Museum studies. I included sections that cover relevant essays, digital projects, curation projects, and about me/how to contact me.


My website tackles accessibility by ensuring that every image included has alternate text, and every block of text is well organized under a heading. Every essay written is downloadable, and, if anyone for any reason is unable to access the content, I have provided summaries and relevant images for each work within the post itself. The videos I have included have no audio, but I still included a written caption describing what each video is.

Media/Source Credit

I cover Media/Source credit in two ways: firstly, for my site-icon and header image, I have included footers that cite their respective sources. For each image I use that is not my own, I have credited them with captions. For my Curatorial work specifically, I have identification texts for each individual artifact.

Licensing My Work

My final project is licensed under  Attribution 4.0 International .

Information Accuracy

All information provided within this domain has been evaluated and approved by professors, as each work posted has been graded and well-received.

Final Project Link

Here is the link to my final project: Fayescorner.com , Enjoy!

Data Project

Table with a row of the departments and their respective GPA means as the values.
Data of Average GPA per department

Story Inferred in the Data:

The story inferred within this data, while broad, condenses the average GPA of each major department and ultimately discerns what majors are possibly most intensive.

Here is the Link to my Spreadsheet

Process of Working with the Data:

Truth be told, I was honestly quite confused. For my pivot table I selected the rows to be the department’s, and the values to be the average gpa. However I am not entirely sure if this is an accurate reflection of true-to-life data, as I removed the “total” aspect due to the fact that it did not inherently make sense to include. I converted the pivot table into a clustered column.

My Final Project

For my final project I will choose option A) Build out my main domain by adding my work from other classes, and personal projects to flesh out your online identity. I would like to upload my individual research I have been working on for my Major, and include posts with summaries + images + links to my essays. This also will include a link to my digital “story Map” and an explanation as to what it is.

I also am down to do something more creative, but I haven’t come up with anything and am worried about time. Possibly something with art or photography.

Youtube Video Project

Here is a link to my video: Kelsey’s Video on Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO

Credit to the audio creator:

Thank you to Soyb on Bensound for creating Night and Day! This is the track that plays throughout the video.

Video Content:

The content of my video centers around the three camera basics, Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO. This is the same audio I used for my podcast set in video format. I tried to demonstrate how each function worked through film instead of using images, which was a bit challenging but I believe the concepts still came across well.

Process of Making my Video:

The process of making this video involved checking out a video kit from the HCC, then finding good locations for shots and people to help me film the content. I went to eagle landing to get the shots that cover shutter-speed, and the rest was done around Ball circle or in my dorm. I then edited in a couple of graphics to make concepts more clear in post-production. I also added the initial audio of my podcast as the voiceover for the clips.

Camera Works: The Podcast

My podcast Subject:

My podcast is a short introduction to the basic elements of a camera, including: Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO. These elements work in harmony to create strong images and it is good to have an understanding about how each work.

My Process:

For this podcast I used SoundTrap to record and edit my audio files. I also used Bensound to select my free music download, and for the camera noise that clicks between each audio track I used Pixabay.

Source to prove information is factual:

Here is a link to Understanding ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture – A Beginner’s Guide.

This is a comprehensive understanding of what I briefly cover in my podcast. This source is credible as it comes from photography educator Nasim Mansurov, who is one of the founders of Photography Life.

Credit to the audio creator:

Thank you to Soyb on Bensound for creating Night and Day! It is a very nice track:)

Transcript of my Audio:

Hello hello everyone, I am your host Kelsey and today we will be briefly discussing the Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO of your Camera.

So, What is Shutter Speed?

The Shutter speed is the speed at which your camera shutter opens and closes. A fast shutter speed creates a short exposure and freezes an image. While a slow shutter speed can give you a long exposure and blur and emphasize the movement in your image. 

And What is Aperture?

Aperture refers to the lens’s built-in hole that can be adjusted for a greater or smaller depth of field. Think of it as a way of controlling the light through the lens.

A lower aperture will result in a lower depth of field and a blurred background, but will allow you to capture more light. Higher apertures will result in more depth of field and a sharper background but will block the light. 

And lastly, What is ISO?

ISO relates to the sensor in your camera. This records the light as the shutter opens and closes. Increasing the ISO makes it more sensitive to light and your image is brighter, while reducing it makes your image darker as it is less sensitive to light.

And that’s all folks! Go out and shoot some images!

Rastor and Vector Images

Site Icon PNG:

Poorly drawn house in black and white
Drawn by Kelsey Keith

Why I chose this image, and what it is:

This is the site icon I chose to use, while it likely is subject to change I was mostly focused on understanding the mechanics of creating and changing the file. I do like that it fits with the theme of my blog, and demonstrates my artistry.

How I made it:

I created this image using the pen tool on Vectr.com. I was able to change its pixel size and manipulate it as I chose. Again, it is subject to change as I get more familiar with the tools available to me. Hopefully this little house brings a bit of joy in light of its audacity to be so visually irritating.

Site Icon JPG:

poorly drawn black and white house
Drawn by Kelsey Keith

Header Image: JPG

a little house in a coffee mug, with the text "house rules" beneath it
Created by Kelsey Keith using template by Alina Sagirova on Canva

Why I chose this image and What it is:

This particular image I enjoyed because it has a cozy-fall feeling to it in terms of color and subject. Of course It helped that it stick to the theme and is very cute.

How I made it:

I made this particular image by creating a new design in canvas, setting my pixels to the correct count, and then selecting a design that I believe captured the energy I wished to create on this site. I changed the text beneath the mug to match my site as well.

Choosing My License and Pictures

Copyright License

I chose a copyright license that ultimately allows other creators to engage with, change, or add to my own work. I did this because I am comfortable with others utilizing my work to either further their craft or simply include it in something they like if they wish. However, my license does require that I be credited or at least acknowledged when the work is used in some way.

Image Selection

The image for my home background I selected is one I took and uploaded myself. The Hotel being a spot in Charleston, South Carolina, that I particularly like. The image of the house I pulled I simply liked because it follow the theme of my blog name.

Small, floating house in the sky. made to look like clouds, it floats about a plain of green grass.
Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay
Image of a pink hotel, spanning the landscape. It is framed by a few tree branches on the outer edges.
Image by: Kelsey Keith

House Warming Gift- Post 1

Hello and Welcome! This site will serve as a home-base of sorts. The reason I chose the name “House Rules” sort of acts as a running-bit; in my freshman year, my roommate and I had a list of ‘rules’ hanging up on our door that were just nonsense. Things like “Don’t set fire to Kelsey’s blanket anymore” for example. This concept applies to all the things I might post: rules without rules. A veil of structure to my creations. Thus, the name of my blog “House Rules” acts as the foundation for whatever odd pictures I hang on the walls, or papers I write to cover the coffee table. This is my ‘house’ for the semester (or longer).
